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  • wjason
    支持[0] 反對[0] 引用 12-13 10:50發表

    Dream box-Two-way digital TV Dream box Design and Implementation With the development of network technology, particularly the development of optical network technology makes the backbone of the bandwidth of tens of Gbps. At the same time, the optical transmission network continued declines in the price of optical fiber transmission system in the cable network received a large number of applications, from traditional developed into a hybrid fiber coaxial cable coaxial cable (HFC). HFC is used in the optical transmission backbone network system and the access part of the hybrid coaxial cable network Currently, from a functional point of view, dream box can be divided into three categories: First, digital satellite dream box (also known as satellite integrated receiver decoder); second, cable dream boxes; third, Internet dream box STB. The hardware structure of the different functions works with big difference, but the basic composition is generally a high-performance processor core, memo

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